Saturday, October 6, 2012

What is success?

I was originally going to post this on my Tumblr (still might but may switch some things here and there), but man....this is crazy. Apparently, I had an interesting dream (very short) where I entered a mall of some sort and I ended up acquiring a Starbucks. My first major business....this is when things get very interesting. I magically appear in a lecture room where one of my old college friends was in...he told me to sit by him but the chairs were basically filled up..I ended up finding a seat and automatically the professor called my name and asked what was all the commotion and told me speak to the class. The crazy thing is the professor was Michelle Kwan. I love Michelle Kwan with a passion. I definitely look up to her quite a bit. She hit me with the question, "What is success?" As I was getting up to say my speech, I woke up. Ultimately, that left me with a rather chilling yet inspiring feeling this morning. I honestly believe that success is not a destination but a constant up and down journey with life and yourself. Success is putting in the time, sacrifice, hard work, and belief that you will gradually get better with time. Success is not just the money, it's a feeling of achieving and you never stop achieving. Success is even when you are being successful, you know that's not the end and you set the bar higher. Success is inspiring others to be better, to achieve their dreams, and just follow through. Success is brushing off or slowly getting up after you take some major hits and continue to roll with the punches despite your adversities. Those are just a few of the things I correlate with success. There are tons more. However, I think I want to give you all a visual aid to really elaborate on how I feel. Enjoy!

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