Monday, July 9, 2012

Will Smith on his secrets to success

I originally posted this on my Making Money 2 Blog site, but this can be applicable to anything. I think a few of the reasons why Will Smith is so successful is because you feel a certain validity within the way he creates a presence on screen. You feel the character, you feel the hunger, you feel whatever he goes through as if you were in the same position. Also, you realize the type of work ethic he has placed upon himself. I've always had to work harder than most of my peers whether it was school work, dancing, or something. It kind of bothered me at the time, but I realize that hunger, the drive, that motivation speaks volumes in a way that just pure talent does not. I think I remember Will Smith saying to the effect in one interview "If you're not willing to work hard, let someone else do it. I'd rather be with someone who does a horrible job, but gives 110% than with someone who does a good job and gives 60%." As I get older, I can definitely agree. I've lost hours and hours of play time, going out, dancing at events and sleep, but this blogging passion is something that supersedes everything. I realize the more you sit on your behind and wait for something to happen, you will be left behind the trail. Follow your path and don't let anything step in your way. Plant your seeds properly and watch them bear fruit.

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